Update All The Packages

A short post on how to update all the packages for various package managers, be it programming language specific ones, or ones from OS-level package managers. For all the times you want to get your system up-to-date on all fronts. If you have some other package manager commands, post them as comment below! WinGet Chocolatey […]

Weekly Digest

Here are some links to other articles, videos or podcasts, that I want to preserve as future referenced for myself, but are also worth sharing with others, since they are interesting and might have gotten lost on Slack, Discord or Twitter when I posted them over the last few days or weeks. The title doesn’t […]

Rule of Thumb – Linking Order

Those newer to programming in C++ often fail to understand that compilers like GCC or Clang require a specific link order for the libraries in use or they don’t know what order to pick. Working on SFML and helping out in its community, I’ve had the pleasure to help people fix their linker errors many […]

A look at CLion 1.0

For the development of Synth Guitar my Ludum Dare Compo entry I decided to use JetBrains’ CLion as my IDE. Ever since writing my most popular post about MinGW-w64 and an older EAP version I played around with the thought of trying it out, but never found the right project for it. For a year […]